Sunday, April 24, 2011

Remembering NHOP

NHOP is the acronym for one of the best (if not THE best) bass players who's lived. His long Danish name is  Niels-Henning Orsted Pederson.  He died in 2005 but he left recorded work that lives on.

This is an interview with Oscar Peterson:

And this is a short interview with Hank Jones:

Here are some videos from some of the 1960's sessions:

Here's Oscar Peterson playing with NHOP and the great Ray Brown.  As someone said on YouTube:

"I can imagine Oscar Peterson thinkin' : Ok, I have the 2 most badass wicked hardcore bass players here... Which one should I pick for the job ? BOTH !!!"

In this video NHOP is playing the very FAST Move with Joe Pass:

And to close:

Saturday, January 29, 2011

TV from a Simpler Era

TV in the early days was very different from now. This is TV from a time when many of the people I know weren't even born. But if you're curious, here are a few samples that range from 1949 to 1961.

Most are familiar with Mayberry and The Andy Griffith Show from the reruns on TBS. Here's the first appearance of Andy Griffith as Andy Taylor. It was an episode of Make Room for Daddy, which was Danny Thomas' regular series at that time.

Before slick, negative campaign advertising this is the ad Eisenhower used on TV in 1952.

Here's a scene from Lloyd Bridges' TV show Seahunt. A pre-Star Trek Leonard Nimoy guest stars.

This is a scene from Rawhide, which features Clint Eastwood from 50 years ago. Note the Marlboro commercial at 7:54.

This is a clip from a local Los Angeles TV show in the fifties that features a very young Johnny Carson.

And from 1949, here's The Nat King Cole Trio.