We moved from Kirkwood when I completed elementary school. In those days there were no middle schools in Atlanta. Completion of elementary school was at the end of 7th grade and high school started with the 8th grade.
There were a combination of reasons we moved then. My mother had a growing business teaching piano and she wanted a bigger house with a private entrance for her students. The high school I would have attended was several miles from our house (Kirkwood Elementary was about four blocks from the house and was an easy walk). And there was an unscrupulous real estate practice then called "blockbusting." If people were considering moving from Kirkwood, this accelerated the process. It instilled fears of rapidly declining real estate values and was unfair to both white and black families who lost money to the real estate companies.
Kirkwood did have some difficult years, but since the 1990's it's had a revitalization, as have many older Atlanta neighborhoods. My old school is now home to many people who've purchased lofts there. The school was built in 1910 and was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 2002.
It's strange to see these interior photos of living spaces there and wonder which classroom this was (3rd grade, 4th grade...?).
And the public library I used is now a private residence, as well. It was on the adjacent corner from the school and that made it easy to check out books there after school. Here's a link to a website set up by the men who've remodeled the library and live there. Also, on their site they have the video of the HGTV show that featured their home.
The library building is just across the street from a public park. The park had a ball field where I played many softball games.
It's very nostalgic writing about this, but I have great memories.